Dear genius researchers,
Tomorrow we will have a common meeting at 2 pm in the image and sound
room with Horst and me (i will be in from 1100).
The documentation of your research is important in order to understand your
process and development as an artist. Applying criticism to your work will help
you to formulate the abstract.
I give you some basic questions to answer:
Why does this particular landscape or environmental setting move you and
what is it that attaches you to those places?
In which genius loci can you find yourself?
What is the essence of the special place you chose? Give a short history of
the place.
What did you perceive on that place?
Explain step by step your perception about this place: describe the dialogues
with the space with all the senses, reflect like a mirror on the space and try
to recreate the innerlandscape of your mind.
Are you searching for the truth?
Are you using principles of mathematics or geometry in your project?
Which kind of effort are you making in order to understand the underlying
reality of the manifest world that appears to our senses?
Are you in the "borderline" (between pure ideas and physical world)
in your work?
If your work is inspired by the acousmatics, explain which are the connections.
Which kind of scale you are using to explain your imagination?
Musical scale, micro- and macroscopic scale, observation of nature...